New York City: The Cultural Codes and Etiquette

BY Michella Ore

New York: The Cultural Codes and Etiquette


New Yorkers have seen it all and most wouldn’t pause for a second take. That said, a few things can be inconvenient or downright bothersome. Lines could be their own cultural monument here and we take them very seriously. Whether you’re waiting for a chance to grab Dominique Ansel’s famous cronut or to be seated for your inaugural performance on Broadway, patiently wait your turn. Trying to skip the line may seem simple, but it’s a sure fire way to piss off a sea of New Yorkers in an instant.

Other than that, just be kind and you’ll be set. People in this city have gotten a bad rep for coming across as rude or testy but more often than not, it’s just that they have somewhere they need to be. If you’re lost or unsure, chances are they’ll be willing to offer help – just make sure it’s not in front of the turnstile.

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