Kedux Garage Custom Culture

  • Kedux Garage Custom Culture Bali
  • Kedux Garage Custom Culture Bali
  • Kedux Garage Custom Culture Bali
  • Kedux Garage Custom Culture Bali
  • Kedux Garage Custom Culture Bali
  • Kedux Garage Custom Culture Bali
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  • Krisna Sudharma

    Krisna Sudharma

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    I recommend visiting Kedux, a figure who has greatly influenced the custom culture in Bali. Although I don't personally know him, his impact on the way of living and his ability to push boundaries have made Bali a representative of this unique culture. He has created a wave of inspiration for young individuals, showing them that dreams are not too high to reach as long as they are willing to put in hard work and maintain discipline. Kedux is known for his passion for custom motorcycles, with a particular focus on Harley Davidson, European, and American muscle bikes. His craftsmanship in working with gasoline and oil goes beyond what anyone else in Bali, and even Indonesia, can achieve. When discussing Kedux, mention should also be made of other renowned artists like Marmar Herayukti. Together, they contribute to something beyond imagination in terms of artistry and technicality. One of the highlights of Kedux's work is his involvement in creating ogoh-ogoh, which are large papier-mâché effigies used in the festivities leading up to Nyepi. During the pengrupukan ceremony, these artistic and technically impressive creations take center stage, representing one of million essence of Bali. From the small canang offerings made by mothers or grandmothers at home to the enormous ogoh-ogoh prepared by the seka teruna teruni, a youth group in each Banjar (traditional neighborhood community), Bali is filled with artistic expressions that intertwine with its cultural identity.