Nonfrasa Gallery

  • Nonfrasa Gallery
  • Nonfrasa Gallery Ubud Bali Travel Art Gallery
  • Nonfrasa Gallery Art Bali Ubud
  • Nonfrasa Gallery Ubud Bali Travel Art
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  • Krisna Sudharma

    Krisna Sudharma

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    The recommendation for Nonfrasa Gallery in my guide is a deeply personal choice. The gallery embodies my vision and aspiration to transform how people perceive art within the context of Bali. It serves as a living case study for my journey of learning, redefining the art canon, and dismantling biases and misinterpretations present in the interactions between the local community and foreigners. Moreover, Nonfrasa Gallery stands as an inclusive platform that supports emerging artists while rediscovering the leftfield work of established ones. Starting with a blank slate and without any academic background in art, the gallery has gradually evolved into a catalyst for change in Bali. Nonfrasa Gallery has become a purpose and a vision in itself, shaping its identity through a process of continuous learning, experimentation, and growth. The consciousness and discourse of Nonfrasa Gallery have been collectively built by every artist who has been a part of its journey. The exchange of ideas and discussions with curators, writers, and institutions have intertwined to condensed these voices into a force, both heard and unheard into a unified direction that extends beyond the gallery's walls, hopefully impacting the art landscape of Bali in meaningful ways. Nonfrasa Gallery is more than just a physical space; it is a reflection of commitment to promoting inclusivity, artistic redefinition, and constructive dialogue within Bali's art scene.